Learning Facilities

Medical Internship at Madantta Hospital, India

Based on an MoU between KU and Madantta Hospital in India, those of KU students who meet a set of internship criteria, finish their MD degree after one-year practical internship training at the Madantta Hospital in India.

During this medical internship training, KU medicine students practice basic hospital works under the supervision of experts from Madantta Hospital.

Practical Studies and Internship Period at Kateb Hospital

KU is equipped with advanced medical labs in both branches: Barchi and Dar-ul Aman, where students are enabled to practice their related experiments. However, to gain the practical knowledge and visual observation cases, such as Eye diseases, they are provided with vocational trips to Kateb Hospital.

Kateb Hospital also provides various internship programs for medicine students from KU.

Research Opportunities

KU’s Medical Research Center (KMRC) has recently being initiated with an aim to support its faculty and research department. Animal House and Medical Labs are parts of the facilities of KMRC.

Through KMRC, medicine faculty members of KU are also provided small-scaled research grants for implementing their research projects.

Kateb International Medical Congress

KU held its International Medical Congress on October 4, 2018 where 50 research papers were presented. The congress was based on research abstracts presented on different topics regarding Microbiology and infectious disease and Advanced diagnostic laboratory techniques.

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