Hakima Abdullahi

kateb faculty member hakima abdullahi

Ms. Hakima Abdollahi has an MSc in Physiology from Tarbiat Modares University and a BSc in Midwifery from Orumieh University.

She wrote her master’s thesis on ‘The effect of orexin type 1 receptor antagonist on the development process of morphine tolerance in the rat locus coeruleus neurons’. Other research papers she wrote are as follows:

  • The effect of OXR1 antagonism during the developmental of morphine tolerance in paragigantocellularis neurons, under the supervision of Prof. Saeed Semnanian at TMU;
  • The effect of orexin type 1 receptor antagonist on the development process of morphine tolerance in the rat locus coeruleus neurons, under the supervision of Prof. Saeed Semnanian at TMU; and
  • The role of Nanocurcumin in morphine withdrawal symptoms, under the supervision of Prof. Saeed Semnanian at TMU.

Additionally, she has the following abstracts:

  • Hakime Abdullahi; M Ghaemi Jandabi, H Azizi, S M Ahmadi Soleimani, S Semnanian. Orexin type-1 receptor mediates the development of tolerance to morphine in lateral paragigantocellularis nucleus. ANS 2013, Melbourne, Australia;
  • M Ghaemi Jandabi, H Azizi, S M Ahmadi Soleimani, S Semnanian. Orexin type-1 receptor contributes to the development of morphine tolerance in LPGi neurons. Basic and clinical neuroscience congress 2012, Tehran, Iran; and
  • Hakime Abdollahi, Masoumeh Ghaemi Jandabi, Hossein Azizi, Saeed Semnanian. The effect of orexin type 1 receptor antagonist on the development.

Her fields of interest are Biology of addiction, study on pain, Neuroplasticity, Electrophysiological study on addiction, cell neurophysiology, and complex systems biology.

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